History Archives - World Enceclopedia https://wikipediallc.com/category/history/ Comprehensive blog about encyclopedias Wed, 25 Jan 2023 14:01:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.0.2 https://wikipediallc.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/cropped-1d492c67af2644d984025cdfffa5702e-32x32.png History Archives - World Enceclopedia https://wikipediallc.com/category/history/ 32 32 Where and how to find information about online casinos? https://wikipediallc.com/where-and-how-to-find-information-about-online-casinos/ https://wikipediallc.com/where-and-how-to-find-information-about-online-casinos/#respond Wed, 25 Jan 2023 14:01:31 +0000 https://wikipediallc.com/?p=140 When it comes to finding any information, people often confuse three concepts such as Wikipedia, the Encyclopedia and the Dictionary. Let’s list their differences and features, as well as in what situations they can be useful. Wikipedia is an Internet resource to which users themselves add information. They can at any time post content, correct […]

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When it comes to finding any information, people often confuse three concepts such as Wikipedia, the Encyclopedia and the Dictionary. Let’s list their differences and features, as well as in what situations they can be useful.

Wikipedia is an Internet resource to which users themselves add information. They can at any time post content, correct someone else’s article and make changes on any page of the site, as well as create a new section and start filling it out. However, this does not mean that the information of this Internet resource is unreliable, because all of it is studied by editors, and if there are doubts, it is double-checked and, in case of any doubt, rejected.

Many people use the portal to obtain the primary informationnecessary for a common understanding of the essence of the issue. Data is collected on a variety of topics and directions. Wikipedia is only available electronically, unlike dictionaries and encyclopedias. However, it is not suitable for everyone. For example, if you’re a student and you’re writinga test, term paper, or essay, it’s fine for general understanding. If you’re a researcher who needs reliable information, then of course you can use this resource, but as an authoritative source, he’llbe able to speak.

This is a good option for those who start looking for the necessary information from scratch, that is, completely ignorant of the topic they are looking for. Imagine that you are writing an article or other work about a casino. You’ve never come across this topic before, which means you certainly know what a casino is and what it’s for, but that’s where your knowledge ends. Then you search for “Casino,” and Wikipedia will be third on the SERP list.

What’s not in the encyclopedia?

An encyclopedia is a printed or electronicpublication that includes edits and scientific information on a particular industry. This is concisely presented information available to a wide audience. An encyclopedia can be general or narrowly focused (medical, historical, etc.).

It is partially similarto the dictionary, because it is built on the same principle. The oldest encyclopedia is more than 220 years old. Now there are many online resources that collect articles and background information of a general nature. There may be separate resources for different industries: the exactsciences (physics, chemistry, mathematics), art, history, geography, zoology and much more. As a rule, this is a series of books. each of which is dedicated to a specific topic.

This is a good helper for those who are engaged in scientific and research activities. They contain descriptive, consolidated and detailed information on each issue.

However, if you need to know anything about a particular casino, for example, 8888 casino, then you will not find information inecyclopedia, dictionaries and general reference resources. For this, there are specialized sources that talk about the gambling industry. There you will find general information – when it was created, who is the owner, the history of creation and development, the available nagr This information will be enough to continue to study the issue in depth.

On such specialized sites, you can find out information about all the bulgarians. Therefore, if you are looking for narrowlyinternal information, then Wikipedia and any other encyclopedia will not be relevant for you. At the same time, you can learn from there about the history of gambling, the rules and features of the regulation of the iGaming sphere in different countries.

When will the dictionary be useful?

The dictionary contains individual words, their interpretation and spelling. Often in dictionaries you can find translation from other languages and the origin of the word. That is, here you will learn only the meaning of a certain word, but you will not find complete information on the internalquestion.

They are used mainly by schoolchildren, university students, employees whose activities are related to the text, for example, proofreaders, editors. Dictionaries focus on spelling, grammar, vocabulary, and phonetics. They are specialized ando-chisel.
The dictionary is also convenient for those who study foreign languages, because with its help you can significantly expand the vocabulary, see the translation and meaning of a word.
Other options for obtaining information

On the Internet now you can find a huge number of different reviews on theresource you are interested in. Such reviews often have the necessary information. However, you should not limit yourself to just one or two such sources, especially if there are contradictions in the information. Look for additional resources: the more of them there are, the wider the a look at the material you will get. Use facts that coincide and pay attention to the indication of the authorship and source of these facts. After all, these reviews are also written by ordinary people, so the human factor cannot be ruled out.

Which source of informationto choose is up to you depending on what issue you need to cover. But remember the “rule of three” – never limit yourself to just one source, always look for at least three to make sure that the source and the information contained in it is reliable.

Our advice is to always use as many resources and sources as possible if you want your work to be reliable, concise and interesting. If you want to delve into the study of any issue or phenomenon, do not limit yourself to one source of information. The famous expression says “How many people, so many opinions” and if you want to get an objective assessment of this or that event or fact, it is worth listening to them as much as possible.

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The 19th century https://wikipediallc.com/the-19th-century/ https://wikipediallc.com/the-19th-century/#respond Tue, 09 Aug 2022 18:54:33 +0000 https://wikipediallc.com/?p=14 Having served a long apprenticeship as a reviser of Chambers’s Cyclopaedia, Abraham Rees at last produced a completely original and finely illustrated work, The New Cyclopaedia (1802–20), the only serious rival to the Britannica in a generation that saw some dozen “new” encyclopaedias rise and fall. What might have been the greatest encyclopaedia of the century, the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana (1817–45), failed miserably because […]

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Having served a long apprenticeship as a reviser of Chambers’s Cyclopaedia, Abraham Rees at last produced a completely original and finely illustrated work, The New Cyclopaedia (1802–20), the only serious rival to the Britannica in a generation that saw some dozen “new” encyclopaedias rise and fall. What might have been the greatest encyclopaedia of the century, the Encyclopaedia Metropolitana (1817–45), failed miserably because of the early withdrawal of its designer, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and subsequent financial troubles; but from it came the most notable contribution to the philosophy of encyclopaedia making since Bacon—Coleridge’s profound treatise “On Method” (1818).

To the principal influences on the compilation of encyclopaedias—Bacon, Diderot, the Britannica, and Brockhaus—must be added that of the Frenchman Pierre Larousse. His completely original approach to encyclopaedia making has given the series of encyclopaedias that bear his name a unique reputation. Emphasis throughout has been on readability; style has never been sacrificed to conciseness, and the successive editors of Larousse have paid very close attention to the changing public taste among French readers concerning the presentation of information.

The advent of the work of Noah Webster was fully as epoch-making as that of Brockhaus and Larousse. Webster’s informative American Dictionary of the English Language (1828) was encyclopaedic in character, but he avoided the long entries for the more important subjects that were such a feature of Larousse. Webster’s approach appealed to the American taste and captured a huge market that has only increased with the years.

Brockhaus soon faced opposition, for his encyclopaedia was stronger on the humanities than on scientific and technical subjects. Joseph Meyer’s Der grosse Conversations-Lexikon (1840–52) rectified this imbalance and was the first of a highly successful series that competed vigorously with Brockhaus for 100 years. In addition, Herder’s Conversations-Lexikon (1853–57) and its subsequent editions provided the Catholic counterbalance in a country where Protestants and Catholics were almost equal in numbers.

The market for encyclopaedias in 19th-century Great Britain seemed inexhaustible, but many publishers lost money by putting out works that failed to capture the public’s fancy. An exception was Chambers’s Encyclopaedia (1860–68), which was unconnected with Ephraim Chambers’s classic. Influenced by childhood access to a copy of the Britannica, Robert Chambers and his brother William compiled an original work, Chambers’s Encyclopaedia, that took the Konversationslexikon form and thus found a new market that has continued to the present day.

Beyond Webster’s work, a wide variety of encyclopaedias appeared in the United States during the 19th century, ranging from reprints of British encyclopaedias to homegrown works such as The New American Cyclopaedia (1858–63) and The People’s Cyclopedia of Universal Knowledge (1881). Perhaps as many as two dozen encyclopaedias were available to American readers. The Britannica was among them, and its ninth edition (1875–89) was much republished in authorized and pirated forms.

In the first half of the 19th century there was increasing activity in other countries too. Poland produced the Encyklopedia Powszechna (1858–68), known as “Orgelbrand” after its publisher. The Hungarians had followed the Bohemian Slovník naučný (“Scientific Dictionary”; 1860–90) with the Egyetemes magyar encyclopaedia (“Universal Hungarian Encyclopaedia”; 1861–76). The Russians had produced half an encyclopaedia, V.N. Tatishchev’s Leksikon rossyskoy (“Russian lexicon”), in 1793, and then issued A. Starchevsky’s Spravochny entsiklopedichesky slovar (“Encyclopaedic Reference Dictionary”; 1847–55) on the Brockhaus model. More important was the famous Entsiklopedichesky slovar (“Encyclopaedic Dictionary”; 1895), which became known as “Granat” after the Granat Russian Bibliographical Institute that produced it. A later edition (1910–48) of “Granat,” in 58 volumes, was not exported from the Soviet Union. Modeled on the Britannica, this edition contained many important articles, such as Lenin’s contribution on “Marx” and on “The Russian 19th-Century Agrarian Problem.” Successive ideological changes in Russian society caused many changes in the text of “Granat,” and it long remained one of the most inaccessible of all Russian encyclopaedias outside the Soviet Union.

Larousse did not go unchallenged. Inspired by the French politician Ferdinand-Camille Dreyfus, La Grande Encyclopédie (1886–1902) provided France with a superb, authoritative, and comprehensive work, well documented, and of excellent scholarship throughout. In Denmark the century ended with the issue of no fewer than three new good multivolume encyclopaedias: Allers (1892–99), Hagerups (1892–1900), and Salmonsens (1893–1911), a situation without parallel in the history of encyclopaedias. During the course of the century practically every feature of the modern encyclopaedia had been introduced, and editorial standards had at times risen to a height that modern editors can only envy.

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The development of the modern encyclopaedia (17th–18th centuries) https://wikipediallc.com/the-development-of-the-modern-encyclopaedia-17th18th-centuries/ https://wikipediallc.com/the-development-of-the-modern-encyclopaedia-17th18th-centuries/#respond Fri, 05 Aug 2022 18:52:51 +0000 https://wikipediallc.com/?p=11 Francis Bacon’s purpose in writing the Instauratio magna was “to commence a total reconstruction of sciences, arts, and all human knowledge, raised upon the proper foundations” in order to restore or cultivate a just and legitimate familiarity between things and the mind. Only a small part of this enormous work was ever completed, but the author had planned 130 sections divided […]

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Francis Bacon’s purpose in writing the Instauratio magna was “to commence a total reconstruction of sciences, arts, and all human knowledge, raised upon the proper foundations” in order to restore or cultivate a just and legitimate familiarity between things and the mind. Only a small part of this enormous work was ever completed, but the author had planned 130 sections divided into three main sections: external nature, man, and man’s action on nature. From its proposed contents Bacon’s intention was clearly to compile an encyclopaedia thoroughly scientific in character—“a thing infinite and beyond the powers of man”—that he himself recognized to be revolutionary in character. His most important contribution was, however, the devising of a new and thoroughly sound classification of knowledge that bears a remarkable resemblance to the classification put forward by Matthias Martini in his Idea Methodica (1606). Although Bacon was apparently unaware of this work, both philosophers were probably working from the same basic Platonic precepts. The results were profound: Diderot made a point of acknowledging the assistance Bacon’s analysis of the structure of human knowledge had afforded him in planning the contents of the Encyclopédie, and Samuel Taylor Coleridge hailed “the coinciding precepts of the Athenian Verulam and the British Plato.”

Only two more Latin encyclopaedias of any importance followed. Antonio Zara, bishop of Petina, compiled the Anatomia Ingeniorum et Scientiarum (“Anatomy of Arts and Sciences”; 1614), which was chiefly remarkable for the inclusion of an index. And Johann Heinrich Alsted, who, like Martini, came from Herborn, compiled an Encyclopaedia (1630) whose arrangement corresponds broadly to Matthias’s classification of human knowledge.

Zara’s and Alsted’s encyclopaedias were organized systematically by classification. The turning point came with Louis Moréri’s alphabetically arranged Grand Dictionnaire historique (1674), which was especially strong in geographical and biographical material. Its success was immediate; six editions were issued by 1691, each incorporating much new contemporary information. English editions followed in 1694, 1701, and (a supplement) 1705. Other encyclopaedias in England, Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands acknowledged its inspiration. The alphabetically arranged encyclopaedia in the vernacular had almost won the day, in spite of the German scholar Daniel George Morhof’s modest success with his ill-balanced Polyhistor Literarius, Philosophicus, et Practicus (“Literary, Philosophical, and Practical History”; 1688–1708).

If there was any doubt concerning the more popular form of the encyclopaedia, the issue of Antoine Furetière’s Dictionnaire universel des arts et sciences (1690) confirmed the true nature of public taste. Furetière not only compiled a fine encyclopaedic dictionary, but he emphasized the arts and the sciences, thus reflecting the rapidly growing public interest in modern culture, science, and technology. If confirmation were still needed, the Académie Française’s commissioning of Thomas Corneille to compile Le Dictionnaire des arts et des sciences (1694), with its thorough and authoritative treatment of these new encyclopaedic features, demonstrated that even the more conservative scholars were by now keenly aware that a new spirit had arisen. The period of the clerical encyclopaedia had ended, as the Franciscan friar Vincenzo Maria Coronelli found when his Biblioteca Universale Sacro-Profano (1701–06) ceased publication at volume 7 of a projected 45.

Pierre Bayle, in his Dictionnaire historique et critique (1697), achieved a most remarkable tour de force. Although his encyclopaedia purported to be an updating of the information in Moréri, the entries were largely unexceptionable. The real originality of his work lies in the profuse and scholarly footnotes and the commentaries that at times were an amazing mixture of skepticism, blasphemy, and ribaldry. Bayle challenged orthodox ideas; his brilliant mind spared nothing. This approach heralded that of Denis Diderot, and the distinguished writers who revised later editions—Prosper Marchand and Pierre Desmaizeaux—continued in the same style.

The Lexicon Technicum (1704) of John Harris represented the powerful impact of the work of the Royal Society (founded 1660). Here was all the equipment of the modern encyclopaedia: excellent engraved plates, clear practical text, bibliographies appended to the more important articles. So far, England had had to make do with translations of French encyclopaedias. Harris’s emphasis on the need to include scientific and technical subjects helped to reverse the trend. This process was completed by the issue of Ephraim Chambers’s Cyclopaedia (1728). Like Harris, Chambers omitted people in favour of more information on the arts and sciences, and he paid more attention to clear expositions of ancient and modern philosophical systems. His admirably cross-referenced work is universally recognized as the father of the modern encyclopaedia.

The French were well aware of these developments. By 1744 five editions of Chambers’s Cyclopaedia had been issued. The Paris publisher André Le Breton saw a ready market for a translation. The first proposals were a failure, however, and Diderot was enlisted to plan what at that time was still essentially a translation on a much broader basis. Under the hands of Diderot and Jean Le Rond d’Alembert the concept changed. The Encyclopédie (1751–65) was a philosophical undertaking carried out on a gigantic scale, and much of the writing was of a high standard. To the orthodox, it appeared that the project had got out of hand, but there were 2,000 subscribers to the first volume, and the subsequent scandals over the irreverent, authority-challenging articles only added to the number of purchasers. The equivocal attitude of high dignitaries in both church and court and the growing public dislike of the encyclopaedia’s chief critics—the Jesuits—led to a complex situation in which official disapproval and substantial private encouragement caused the production and fortunes of the Encyclopédie and its producers to lurch dangerously from one crisis to another. Curiously, Diderot did nothing to further the physical development of the encyclopaedia; his contribution was to fire men’s minds with a willful guidance that conformed to the country’s increasingly revolutionary spirit. As Voltaire said: “this vast and immortal work seems to reproach mankind’s brief life span.”

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Encyclopedias in the West https://wikipediallc.com/encyclopedias-in-the-west/ https://wikipediallc.com/encyclopedias-in-the-west/#respond Mon, 01 Aug 2022 14:18:03 +0000 https://wikipediallc.com/?p=7 Early development The first fragments of an encyclopaedia to have survived are the work of Speusippus (died 339/338 BCE), a nephew of Plato’s. Speusippus conveyed his uncle’s ideas in a series of writings on natural history, mathematics, philosophy, and so forth. Aristotle’s wide-ranging lectures at the Lyceum were equally influential, and he and Plato appear to have been the originators […]

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Early development

The first fragments of an encyclopaedia to have survived are the work of Speusippus (died 339/338 BCE), a nephew of Plato’s. Speusippus conveyed his uncle’s ideas in a series of writings on natural history, mathematics, philosophy, and so forth. Aristotle’s wide-ranging lectures at the Lyceum were equally influential, and he and Plato appear to have been the originators of the encyclopaedia as a means of providing a comprehensive cultural background.

The Greek approach was to record the spoken word. The Romans, on the other hand, aimed to epitomize existing knowledge in readable form. Their first known effort is the Praecepta ad filium (“Advice to His Son”; c. 183 BCE), a series of letters (now lost) written by the Roman consul Marcus Porcius Cato (known as Cato the Censor) to his son. Cato’s intention was to provide a summary of useful information that could help in the process of living and in guiding and helping one’s fellow men. A more substantial attempt was made by the learned Latin writer Marcus Terentius Varro in his Disciplinarum libri IX (“Nine Books of Disciplines”), his Rerum divinarum et humanarum antiquitates (“The Antiquities of Things Divine and Human”), and his Imagines, which together covered the liberal arts, human efforts, the gods, and biographies of the Greeks and Romans.

The most important Roman contribution was the Historia naturalis of Pliny the Elder, a vast work constituting a kind of classified anthology of information. Although undiscriminating in its record of fact and fancy, it was nevertheless very influential; the Latin grammarian and writer Gaius Julius Solinus drew nearly 90 percent of his 3rd-century Collectanea rerum memorabilium (“Collection of Memorabilia”) from Pliny, and the Historia naturalis served as a major source for other encyclopaedias for at least the next 1,500 years. Even today it is still an important record for details of Roman sculpture and painting.

The statesman Cassiodorus, when he withdrew to the Vivarium in 551, dedicated this monastery to sacred and classical learning. His Institutiones divinarum et saecularium litterarum (“Institutes of Divine and Secular Literature”) seems to have been designed to preserve knowledge in times that were largely inimical to it. In his encyclopaedia, Cassiodorus drew a clear distinction between the sacred and the profane, but the first Christian encyclopaedia to be compiled for the benefit of the newly converted Spanish population followed a different scheme. St. Isidore (c. 560–636) considered the liberal arts and secular learning to be the true basis of a Christian’s education. His Etymologiae therefore paid much attention to practical matters and even included an etymological dictionary. This was in line with the thought of St. Jerome—on whose encyclopaedic Chronicon and De viris illustribus St. Isidore had drawn—who, in common with the early Christian Fathers, was eager to provide a basis for a Christian interpretation and organization of knowledge. This concept was much later to be renewed by the Catalan ecclesiastic Ramon Llull.

The development of the encyclopaedia during the next 500 years, though of social interest, was undistinguished from the point of view of scholarship. Rabanus Maurus (c. 776–856), one of the English scholar Alcuin’s favourite pupils, compiled De universo (“On the Universe”), which, despite its being an unintelligent plagiarism of St. Isidore’s work, had a lasting popularity and influence throughout the medieval period. A series of encyclopaedias of special subjects—undistinguished anthologies of classical and Christian writings on history, jurisprudence, agriculture, medicine, veterinary surgery, and zoology—was organized by the Byzantine emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus (905–959). Michael Psellus (1018–96), a tutor of a later emperor, contributed a more interesting work, De omnifaria doctrina, in the form of questions and answers on both the humanities and science. At this time there was a growing influence on metropolitan and secular learning. In an attempt to counterbalance it, the brief but charming Didascalion of Hugh of Saint-Victor (c. 1096–1141), which paid much attention to practical matters as well as to the liberal arts, was soundly based on a profound classification of knowledge that influenced many later encyclopaedias. About this time an encyclopaedic dictionary known as Suda, or Suidas, broke with tradition by adopting alphabetical order for its contents. This had no effect on the plan of later encyclopaedias, but its contents included so much useful information that it has retained its importance as a source throughout the succeeding centuries.

The Liber floridus (c. 1120) of Lambert of Saint-Omer is an unoriginal miscellany, but it has an interest of its own in that it discards practical matters in favour of metaphysical discussion and pays special attention to such subjects as magic and astrology. The greatest achievement of the 12th century was the Imago mundi of Honorius Inclusus. Honorius produced his “mirror of the world” for Christian, later abbot of St. Jacob, and drew on a far wider range of authorities than any of his predecessors. The arrangement of the first section on geography, astrology, and astronomy was sound; it started with the creation and worked down to individual countries and cities. This was followed by a “chronicle,” and a third section provided a brief list of important events since the fall of Satan. Honorius accurately foresaw his book’s fate: innumerable copies, unauthorized plagiarisms, incessant criticism, and incompetent additions for at least 200 years.

Probably the first encyclopaedia to be compiled by a woman, the Hortus deliciarum of the abbess Herrad (died 1195), comprised a magnificent illuminated manuscript with 636 miniatures, intended to help and edify the nuns in her charge. Bartholomaeus Anglicus based his De proprietatibus rerum (1220–40) on the works of St. Isidore and Pliny. It was designed for ordinary people and became Europe’s most popular encyclopaedia for the next three centuries. But the outstanding achievement of the Middle Ages was the Speculum majus of Vincent of Beauvais. Vincent was not an original writer but he was industrious, and his work comprised nearly 10,000 chapters in 80 books; no encyclopaedia rivalled it in size until the middle of the 18th century. The work was very well balanced, almost equal space being allotted to the three sections. The “Naturale” dealt with God and man, the creation, and natural history. For this Vincent drew not only on Latin writings but also on Greek, Arabic, and Hebrew sources, which were at that time (through translations) making a very considerable impact on the thinking of the West. The “Doctrinale” covered practical matters as well as the scholastic heritage of the age. The “Historiale” included a summary of the first two sections and a history of the world from the creation to the times of St. Louis. A fourth section, “Morale,” based principally on St. Thomas Aquinas, was added after Vincent’s death. The influence of the Speculum majus was immediate and lasting. Translations were made into several languages, and complete reprints appeared as late as 1863–79. One of its many values is that it is a source for extracts from many documents of which no other parts have survived. Another is its detailed history of the second quarter of the 13th century.

Vincent’s was the last major work of its kind. Later encyclopaedists began to compile for a wider public than the very limited world of religious communities. The first breakaway from Latin came with Li livres dou trésor (“Treasure Books”) of Brunetto Latini (c. 1220–95), the master of Dante, and the Florentine poet and philosopher Guido Cavalcanti. Latini wanted to reach the mercantile and cultured classes of Italy; he therefore used French, their common language. The arrangement of his work was similar to Vincent’s but his approach was concise. The language, the brevity, and the accuracy of his encyclopaedia had an immediate and wide appeal. A friend of Petrarch’s, Pierre Bersuire, based his Reductorium, repertorium, et dictionarium morale utriusque testamenti (“Moral Abridgment, Catalogue, and Dictionary of Each Testament”; c. 1340) on Bartholomaeus’s De proprietatibus rerum. In contrast to Latini’s work, this was a return to the traditional, with its moralizings on the Bible, Ovid’s Metamorphoses, and natural history, but it had a considerable success when printing was introduced, being issued 12 times by 1526.

One of the most delightful of all encyclopaedias is the little Margarita philosophica that Gregor Reisch (died 1525) wrote for young people. In some 200 pages he contrived to cover in a very pleasing style the whole university course of the day, both the trivium and the quadrivium. The arrival of humanism is reflected in the De disciplinis of Juan Luis Vives, a pioneer in psychology and philosophical method; Vives grounded all his arguments on nature and made no appeal to religious authority. With the writing of the anonymous Compendium philosophiae (c. 1300), the concept of the modern scientific encyclopaedia was reached at last. It was the first encyclopaedia to adopt an inquiring and impartial attitude to the things described, and the old wives’ tales that had filled so many pages of encyclopaedias from the time of Pliny onward were replaced by the latest scientific discoveries.

The first indigenous French encyclopaedia, the popular Dictionarium historicum, geographicum, et poeticum (“Historical, Geographical, and Poetic Dictionary”) of Charles Estienne (1504–64), was not published until 1553. For encyclopaedias in their own language, the French still had to rely on translations of the encyclopaedias of other nations, such as Les diverses leçons (“The Various Lessons”; 1552) of Pedro Mexia, a mediocre Spanish historian whose haphazard compilation was enormously popular in the 16th and 17th centuries.

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